2515 Tunnel Rd, Estes Park, CO 80511
National Park
Start Date :
May 20th – Jun 30th, 2022
End Date
Sep 5th-7th, 2022
the participant will be assigned to work at one of the properties managed by Pursuit Glacier Park Collection. Your
position will be assigned upon arrival as well and will be one of the following positions: Housekeeper, Porter, Houseperson, Laundry
Attendant, Kitchen Utility/2nd Cook or Dishwasher.
If there is an employee dining room meals are provided at $7.50 per day ($52.50 per week).
A – C
Pay Rate:
Male / Female
Free Housing
Nearest Airport:
Glacier International Airport (FCA)
เกี่ยวกับพื้นที่นี้: You will spend your summer living inside Glacier National Park at the foot of beautiful mountain peaks, crystal clearmountain lakes, surrounded by lush forests and an abundance of wildlife. Websites: Climate: Temperatures range from 30* to 90* Fahrenheit in the summer. Summer days are typically warm and sunny. However, rainy days occur and nights get
cold. Please arrive to your employer prepared for diverse weather conditions. Altitude: 3,200 feet above sea level Nearest Major Cites: Kalispell, Montana is the nearest city. It is very important to your success and enjoyment next summer to understand that we operate
these hotels, restaurants, and gift shops in a very remote part of the U.S. Large cities, public transportation, shopping and other conveniences of urban living are not available. Instead, we provide you with a fun and challenging job with an opportunity to live, work and play with people from all over the world in one of the most beautiful national parks the U.S. has to offer.
บริษัท อเมริกัน เลิร์นนิ่ง จำกัด
408/161 อาคารพหลโยธินเพลส ชั้น 39 แขวงสามเสนใน เขตพญาไท กรุงเทพฯ 10400
อังคาร-เสาร์ เวลา 9.30-18.30 น.
โทร. 02-6190044
Work & Travel : 086-3201990, 081-7141001
Au Pair | Internship & Training : 087-5660008
Study Abroad | Summer Camp | Summer Camp | High School Exchange : 081-5660008, 094-4190044
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