Hi there! My name is Jumbo. I want to share my experience in America with you guys. At that moment, it was my senior year in college and I wanted to figure out what I wanted to do after I graduated. So I found this program, Work and Travel. I did research about it and found American Learning which was one of the well known agents in Thailand. I contacted them and decided to work as a lifeguard for Premier Aquatics in DC area.
My new journey has begun since then. As I arrived in America, the land of freedom, it was like my dream became true. I was like “is this really happening?” Premier Aquatics was a good company providing lifeguards to community pools in the east coast. I felt so good to work for Premier Aquatics.
They had many activities for lifeguards such as a tour to Ocean City Beach, kayaking and theme park. Premier Aquatics and lifeguards worked as a family. Work hours, schedules and hourly wages were pretty good. If your goal is not making a lot of money, working for premier might suit you.
You would have coworkers from many countries such as Slovakia, Czech and Jamaica. However, American leaning would never just leave you even though your plan landed in America. All the staffs would always check with you what happened in your life while living there. I think I was so lucky. that I found American Learning and Premier Aquatics.
They made my summer one of the best summers in live. I met new friends from the US because of these two companies. However, living in America was so fun. I got lots of experience that I think I could never find it elsewhere. As I arrived there, I had to learn to be independent doing anything by myself and to be responsible for my job I had to do.
Apart from practicing English skills, I also had a chance to practice or learn how to live my real life. Just like how to wake up early to get work in time and how to be responsible for everything like cooking, cleaning or biking to my work. And I had realized that it was not easy. Therefore, everything I did in America helped me to grow up and learn to be more mature. I would really want to suggest everyone know about this program and join it. Not just to make money from it but to gain vulnerable experience that I think you could never find it just to stay at home chilling in your bed. You would make lots of friends in America. You would also learn different cultures and know the reason why America is known a multicultural and ethically diverse country.
As well as learning English, living there, you would have 100% chance to speak English. I mean if you wouldn’t avoid it. If you want to practice English, familiarize yourself with it. If you need experience, you should open the door and find it. It won’t come to you.
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